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March 30-April 2 | Hattiesburg, MS

North American Saxophone

Alliance Conference | University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg

Performing two performances: Soliloquy on the Wings by Kay He (unaccompanied), and I Choose You by Rudresh Mahanthappa with Jonathan Hulting-Cohen.

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April 19-22 | Placerville, CA

The Moanin' Frogs 

El Dorado County Community Concert Association

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Tue, August 2 | Fredricksburg, TX

The Moanin' Frogs 

Fredricksburg Music Club

Concert Series

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Tue, June 13 | Mishawaka, IN

The Moanin' Frogs 

Conn-Selmer Institute

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Tue, July 25 | Greensboro, VR

The Moanin' Frogs 

Summer Music from Greensboro

Concert Series

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Thur, July 27 | New London, NH

The Moanin' Frogs 

Summer Music Associates

New London Concert Series

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Tue, August 2 | Green Valley, AZ

The Moanin' Frogs 

Green Valley Community Center Concert Series

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Sunday, August 6 | Ventura, CA

The Moanin' Frogs 

Ventura Music Festival

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Sunday, August 6 | Ventura, CA

The Moanin' Frogs 

Ventura Music Festival

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Sunday, November 5 | Redmon, OR

The Moanin' Frogs 

Redmond Community Concert Associateion


TBD January 13-14 | Tucson, AZ

University of Arizona Reed Day

The Saxophone, Bassoon, Clarinet, and Oboe UA Faculty host a day filled with masterclasses, recitals, clinics, vendors for attendees all across the state of Arizona. More details forthcoming!


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